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When to Have Breast Reconstruction?


Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that reconstructs the breast that was previously removed during a removal surgery: the mastectomy (total or partial). Breast reconstruction is not mandatory. It can take place at a distance from the mastectomy (delayed breast reconstruction) or during the same surgical procedure as the removal of the breast with the cancerous tumor.

The surgeon who performs this procedure is the same surgeon who performs the mastectomy. But immediate reconstruction can also be performed by a second surgeon during the mastectomy. Advances in surgical techniques now make it possible to offer immediate breast reconstruction to most women who have had their breasts removed.

Breast reconstruction after mastectomy usually requires 2 or 3 operations, regardless of the method used. These surgeries are spaced several months apart so as not to compromise the aesthetic result. The first operation is used to reconstruct the volume of the breast, the second to correct any abnormalities, and the third to reconstruct the nipple-areolar plate.

When Should I Opt for Breast Reconstruction?

This breast surgery is available to all patients who want it. The decision to authorize breast reconstruction is taken in a collegial manner with the medical team (plastic and cosmetic surgeon, oncologist, anesthetist, etc.). Most women who undergo this procedure are very satisfied with their choice. They find a harmonious breast and suffer less from the psychological consequences of losing a breast.

There is no age limit for this operation.

Contraindications (obesity, other pathology, metastasis) may delay the operation, but not prohibit it.

What Type of Breast Reconstruction Should Be Chosen?

Depending on the type of cancer and the situation, breast reconstruction can be immediate or delayed. The timing of the operation is decided by the surgeon and the oncologist and discussed with each patient.

Delayed Breast Reconstruction

Delayed breast reconstruction is still the most common choice today. It is performed at a distance from the cancer surgery (several months after) and according to the post-mastectomy treatments (radiotherapy, chemotherapy....).

Immediate Breast Reconstruction

Immediate breast reconstruction surgery is performed at the same time as the mastectomy. Like delayed breast reconstruction, it can be performed using several techniques (with a prosthesis, expander, flap, or fat injection). Immediate breast reconstruction allows the patient to keep the volume of her breast directly after its removal. She feels less like she has lost her breast and her body image is less affected by the cancer treatments.

It is sometimes possible with this technique to keep the areola and the nipple, to improve the aesthetic result.

What Advice Should Be Given Before Breast Reconstruction?

  • Smoking can lead to complications and delayed healing.
  • For these reasons, it is advisable to stop smoking at least 6 to 8 weeks before the operation.
  • It is also strongly recommended to stop taking aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs at least 5 days before the operation.
  • These recommendations will be confirmed by your surgeon during consultation before the operation.
  • What Advice Do I Need After Breast Reconstruction?
  • The recovery period after breast reconstruction depends on the method chosen. As a rule, it lasts only a few days.
  • Local care and dressing changes should be carried out at home for one to two weeks.
  • In the days following the operation, some pain of varying intensity, depending on the patient, may occur. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers for this.
  • The range of movement of the arms may also be slightly impaired.
  • You will be given a leave of absence from work for about 15 days.
  • The resumption of sport must be gradual. It is not recommended in the immediate aftermath. It is better to wait about a month.
  • In addition, sun exposure should be avoided after breast surgery. You should protect your skin with an anti-UV cream.