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Can Magnet Fishing Be Done in The Ocean? Everything You Should Know


Image source: YouTube

Magnet fishing in the ocean sounds exciting. However, recovering something from the unfathomable depths is a tough task because you probably won’t have a rope of that length. Wondering if can magnet fishing be done in the ocean? When you treat magnet fishing as a sport and consider the fact that the ocean waters have a lot of stuff in its depths, you can muster up the courage to go ahead.

Here are the ideal places for magnet fishing,

1. The Beach

The beach is best place for treasure hunting because so many people visit it every day and lose a lot of things to the waves. With magnet fishing you can recover quite a lot of metallic stuff which conventional metal detectors can’t.

2. Fishing Piers

The advantage of choosing fishing piers for magnet fishing is that there are high chances of finding metallic objects as a lot of people visit them.

3. Boats

It is a good idea to use a boat for magnet fishing. You won’t be disturbed by people and can hurl the magnet anywhere to pull out stuff. It is best advised to use a sailboat, ski boat or pontoon for this purpose. Also, choose boats that have a fiberglass hull. Having a metal hull can be risky as the magnet can get stuck to it.

Areas to avoid while magnet fishing in the ocean

It can be risky to use a magnet in the ocean at certain places and you must avoid them. They are the following:

1. Sunken ships and shipwreck sites

Avoid sunken ships and shipwreck sites. These areas are quite deep and you won’t have such a long rope. Also, these areas are historic and hence magnet fishing in these places can be illegal.

2. Oil Rigs

You must not do magnet fishing at oil rigs. Oilfield equipment is made out of steel and is immensely magnetic by nature. When your magnet clinks to these it is certain that the magnet will be lost.

The risk not only involves losing your magnet but also putting the lives of divers working underwater at stake. You might also make the machinery malfunction. So, it is better to stay away from such areas.

3. Ocean dumping sites

Magnet fishing over dumping sites is a bad idea. You are only going to lay your hands on garbage. Nothing of value can be found here. Are you going to invest your time and effort to fish out trash? Probably not!

4. Reefs

Magnet fishing is actually good for the environment as it cleans the oceans. However, this is not applicable for coral reefs. The reefs are self-sufficient in repairing and cleaning themselves. Therefore, they should be left alone otherwise you might cause harm to them.

Another important reason to avoid magnet fishing in these areas is for the safety of divers. They have a lot of metal gear on and a strong magnet can pull off the face shield of a diver that can result in death.

Just keep the above points in mind and enjoy magnet fishing in the ocean.