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Living At Peace With Yourself, How To Do It?


Living at peace with oneself ensures satisfaction, inner harmony, better stress management, and general well-being that is reflected in the body and mind. It should be noted, however, that learning this art is not at all easy, especially in a complex society like ours. The days are getting more and more complicated, the noises are louder and uncertainty is an eternal constant that keeps us immersed in anxiety and worries.

The truth is that it is difficult to pay attention to our inner world and manage it when our lives seem to have been sucked into an eternal vortex. However, we must not forget one important aspect: it is in the present that we must give the best of ourselves. And this is possible only when we reach an inner calm, when we are relieved of guilt, fears, and resentments and when the shadow of the past does not obscure the present.

When there is peace in the mind and heart, one sees everything more clearly and feels more confident in solving challenges and facing life with greater boldness, humanity, and confidence. Living at peace with oneself is therefore not an appointment to be put off. Let's see, indeed, how to achieve this Peace of mind so rewarding and healthy.

How to succeed in living at peace with ourselves?

There's a saying, "he who lives in harmony with himself, lives in harmony with the universe". It is a great truth, which probably even he was not able to apply to his life despite his wisdom and stoicism. To achieve such a feeling of balance, one must put aside guilt, regrets, and the shadow of all that we have left unfinished and that still plagues us.

Mental hygiene, an ability to extinguish those psychological and emotional black holes that take away our quiet, and require us to face our torments. Only in this way can we give ourselves permission to be imperfect, to forgive ourselves once and for all, or to stop punishing ourselves for dynamics beyond our control.

Living at peace with ourselves is more than just spiritual comfort. It is not about washing away past sins or stopping those inner battles we often fight relentlessly. In positive psychology, in fact, the term "peace" is often used to refer to an intrapersonal mechanism through which to achieve psychological well-being and happiness. Talk about a very useful psychological exercise.

Value yourself, consider yourself important

When we walk through the world without the support of self-esteem, our inner universe fills with emptiness and lives in a constant state of war. We expect others' approval, their attention, and positive reinforcement to feel acknowledged. As you can well imagine, there is nothing more exhausting than begging for someone else's attention.

In order to live at peace with yourself, you must be able to give yourself the affection and recognition you expect from others. When self-esteem and self-love are strong, you get that inner harmony in which nothing is missing. That moment when, finally, you stop expecting something from others and understand that you have to get it from yourself.

To live at peace with yourself, you must learn to forgive yourself.

To forgive oneself in order to free oneself. Demand your own forgiveness because everyone makes mistakes and every mistake is a lesson and an opportunity to fix, change and start over.

In order to live at peace with yourself, you have to understand and accept that you are not infallible, but also that being your own executioner does not lead to anything good. The pain, in this case, is self-feeding and we miss the precious opportunity to prove ourselves better, to show a brighter, more human version of ourselves. We are so much more than our past mistakes, so let's do it: let's forgive ourselves.

Do not hesitate, therefore, to resolve all these inner dynamics. Put out the hatred, the anger, the pain of disappointment... Heal the emotions that hurt you and make room for new opportunities and experiences. To live at peace with yourself you must untie those knots that don't allow you to breathe.On the journey of existence, it is not good to venture out with a cyclone in your mind and a constant war in your heart. Resentments, frustration, anger caused by disappointments, or hatred towards someone who has hurt us are dark clouds that obscure our being. No one can find calm in an inner storm.

Commit today to carry out this very important task. Don't put off until tomorrow the mental calmness you could achieve today.